Why HappyJourney.co.uk
Welcome to the HappyJourney.co.uk Affiliate Programme
How It Works
Partner with HappyJourney.co.uk, the leader in offering low cost holidays, flights and hotels, Sign-up today & start earning generous commissions paid immediately up to 3%. Leverage our strong brand by joining our affiliate program that is competitive and comprehensive, allowing you to maximize your earnings.

Getting started is simple. No sign-up fees, just simple set up instructions will have you kick start and running.

  1. Fill in your e-mail address and click "Get started!". You will be redirected to the Tradedoubler website.
  2. Fill in your details - there are 3 short pages and only takes a few minutes.
  3. Once finished, you will be emailed a link, click on this to activate your account. That's it!
Enter your email address to go to Tradedoublers website and start the registration: >