Thomas Cook Airlines Affiliate Program Terms & Conditions
Key Information
Action Description      A completed sale
Validation Criteria      A sale may be rejected if the booking is cancelled and a refund given to the customer
Validation Period        30 days (most validated within 24 hours)
Cookie Period             30 days post click
Commission Structure
Product Commission
Long Haul £8
Short haul £5
De-Duplication Policy All sales are de-duped across all channels on a last click basis 

  1. Fill in your e-mail address and click "Get started!". You will be redirected to the Tradedoubler website.
  2. Fill in your details - there are 3 short pages and only takes a few minutes.
  3. Once finished, you will be emailed a link, click on this to activate your account. That's it!
Enter your email address to go to Tradedoublers website and start the registration: >